School Counsellor Certificate Guidelines
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School Counsellor Certificate Guidelines.
Guidelines for Comprehensive Guidance and Counselling in Manitoba
The following is excerpted from the complete publication,
Guidelines for Comprehensive Guidance and Counselling in Manitoba.
Society, families and children evolve continuously and the guidance and counselling programs in our schools need to constantly renew themselves to better respond to changing needs. The last document outlining the roles and responsibilities of counsellors was released in 1991 and reflected the realities of those times. The present document was developed by a group of counsellors and counsellor educators from four different Manitoba Institutions and Organizations. The purpose of the document is to bring forth the changes that have been developing throughout the province and to provide school divisions, individual schools, staffs, and counsellors with clear and consistent direction for the future.
A comprehensive guidance and counselling program is an essential and integral part of the educational system. Guidelines for Comprehensive Guidance and Counselling in Manitoba promotes an integrated, comprehensive guidance curriculum for all students that is the shared responsibility of all school staff.
A comprehensive guidance and counselling program:
- is a planned, developmental program with an integrated curriculum, based on regular systematic identification of needs and the pursuit of identified goals and objectives to meet those needs;
- promotes student learning for personal/social, educational and career development for all students from Kindergarten to Senior 4;
- responds to unique and special needs of all students from Kindergarten to Senior 4;
- provides a range of guidance/counselling services from a developmental/preventive focus to a responsive/remedial focus;
- uses a team approach, wherein all staff members have specified roles to play;
- is provided with adequate resources;
- requires trained counsellors to implement the program;
- uses high quality, well-organized materials; and
- is evaluated on a regular basis.
Guidelines for Ethical Behaviour
Ethical Decision Making 2007, A Resource Manual for School Counsellors (PDF file - 1 MB).
The Manitoba School Counsellors’ Association is a Special Area Group of the Manitoba Teachers’ Society.
The goals of the Association include:
- supporting and promoting school counselling and guidance programming;
- providing a representative voice regarding issues that are of importance to school counselling; and
- promoting and providing professional development.
Role of the School Counsellor
- A school counsellor must be principally concerned with the personal, social, educational and career needs of the students, keeping in mind the best interests of the student.
- A school counsellor provides counselling and guidance within an educational setting. Counselling and guidance provide opportunities for students to explore feelings, examine information and consider options for problem resolution and decision making.
- A school counsellor works in collaboration with school personnel, other professionals, and parents.
Basic Principles
This document is intended to provide guidelines for the ethical behaviour of school counsellors.
The guidelines complement the Manitoba Teachers’ Society Code of Professional Practices by clarifying the nature of the ethical responsibilities of counsellors in a school setting.
The guidelines are based on the following principles:
(1) Primary Responsibility
The school counsellor’s first responsibility is to act in the best interest of students.
(2) Informed Student
The school counsellor shall inform students of the purposes, goals, techniques, and specific policies under which they may receive counselling, at or before the time when the couselling relationship is entered.
Such information includes concerns about confidentiality, legal restraints on counsellors, and the possible necessity for consulting with other professionals.
(3) Confidentiality
Confidentiality is the obligation not to disclose willingly information obtained during counselling.
Confidentiality is crucial to establishing and maintaining a strong counsellor-student relationship. Therefore, the school counsellor shall attempt to obtain the consent of the student before divulging information received during counselling. Confidentiality is, nevertheless, not absolute.
Some exceptions to maintaining confidentiality are:
Child Protection
The school counsellor who has reason to believe that a child is or might be in need of protection shall forthwith report the information to the appropriate authorities in accordance with legal obligations pursuant to child protection legislation.
Potential Harm
If behaviour of the student threatens potential harm to self or others, the school counsellor shall take appropriate action to protect the student and/or others.
Legal Action
The school counsellor may be required by the courts to release all counselling records and relevant information.
Consultation and Collaboration
The school counsellor may consult and collaborate with other professionals for purposes of more effectively helping the student. The school counsellor shall share only such information that will serve the best interests of the student.
(4) Record Keeping
The school counsellor shall keep accurate and objective records of counselling sessions to facilitate the provision of services to students. Information received in the counselling process shall be kept as part of the counsellor’s confidential records and not part of the records kept in the office of the school.
(5) Group Counselling
The school counsellor shall make clear the purpose of group counselling and the techniques to be used in group sessions. The school counsellor shall strive to protect members of the group from physical or psychological harm.
(6) Impartiality
School counsellors shall be aware of their personal values, and shall strive to remain impartial in assisting students with decision making and problem solving.
(7) Referrals
School counsellors recognize their boundaries of competence and provide only those services and use only those techniques for which they are qualified by training or experience.
School counsellors shall make appropriate referrals when their professional assistance cannot adequately meet students’ needs.
School counsellors shall be knowledgeable about referral resources.
Whenever possible and appropriate, school counsellors shall make referrals with the knowledge and consent of students. At all times, counsellors shall act in the best interests of the students.
(8) Testing and Assessment
The school counsellor shall adhere to established standards regarding the selection, administration and interpretation of standardized tests and assessment techniques.
The school counsellor shall consider socio-economic, cultural and ethnic factors in standardized tests.
The school counsellor shall explain the nature, purposes and results of standardized tests in language that is understandable to the students, parents and other professionals.
The school counsellor shall interpret test results with reference to other relevant information.
(9) Programs and Services
School counsellors share with other educators the responsibility for establishing and maintaining counselling and guidance programs which are responsive to the needs of students and the community.
School counsellors shall provide parents with information on the role and function of the school counsellor.
School counsellors shall notify appropriate school officials of conditions which may limit or curtail their effectiveness in providing programs and services.
(10) Professional Standards
School counsellors shall strive to attain the standards of formal professional preparation that are recommended by the Manitoba School Counsellors’ Association and the Manitoba Teachers Society.
School counsellors shall strive to maintain professional competence by taking advantage of professional development opportunities.
School counsellors shall accept only those positions for which they are professionally qualified.
(11) Professional Relationships
The school counsellor does not knowingly enter or continue a counselling relationship with a student who is receiving counselling from another professional person, without consultation with that other professional, except where the best interests of the student clearly demand such an extraordinary intervention.
In relationships with employers, colleagues, and professional organizations, the school counsellor shall abide by the Code of Professional Practice of the Manitoba Teachers Society.
The school counsellor shall observe both the spirit and the letter of these guidelines.
Guidelines approved by Manitoba School Counsellors’ Association / Association Manitobaine des Conseillers d’Orientation Executive Council Jan 23, 1992, revised October 1997 © 1997, Manitoba School Counsellors’ Association